
Paweł Izdebski, Chairman of the Board, CHEMSOLUTION
052b Agency has created on our order a dedicated internet application (WEB) for project management .A highly specialized tool, tailored to the needs and specificity of our company, was made professionally and with a great care.
The 052b team is open to the implementation of complex tasks, and what's more important and worth emphasizing, was flexible at every stage of work, skilfully implementing the changes that took place in this demanding project.
Experience gained during cooperation allows us to recommend this company as a reliable and professional contractor.

Kamil Horodecki, Camerimage Festival Office
The Tumult Foundation, organizer of the International Camerimage Festival, is pleased to inform that as part of the comprehensive service of the Camerimage Festival 2017, programmers and graphic designers from the 052b company designed according to the latest standards responsive website of the festival. While creating the site, they kept all design patterns. The site is attractive and graphically clear, the authorial system of displaying the projection schedule and other festival events is transparent, intuitive and gained great recognition among users. During the implementation, we were able to count on numerous advice and immediate response of technical support. We cordially recommend 052B team.

Karolina Leśnik, CEO, Galeria Miejska bwa
052b Agency in 2016 made a new website for Galeria Miejska bwa. The work went smoothly and the new site was launched according to the deadline. Because the appearance of the page came itself from an external designer, the Agency had to put in a lot of work to match the technical possibilities to the visual assumptions of the project. The creation of this site required not only knowledge, solidity and skills but also creative searching for solutions to the specific requirements of our Gallery. One should especially emphasize an excellent communication with 052b, which had a measurable impact on the efficiency of the website creation process. Also further cooperation (minor changes, updates, matching to the WCAG standards), ran smoothly and exemplary. We can recommend the 052b agency with full responsibility as a professional partner who will reliably carry out entrusted tasks.

Ewa Protasewicz, Project Marketing Manager NEONET.PL
Cooperation between NEOIDEA Sp. z o.o., the part of NEONET Group, with 052b Agency started in November 2014. 052b performs graphic works for us, including advertising banners for display campaigns or landing pages. I recommend cooperation with the 052b Agency primarily for professionalism, timeliness and individual approach to the client. I am convinced that carefully prepared and creative projects have helped in the positive reception of the advertising campaign and have strengthened the recognition of our company on the market.